December 13, 1994
Bob Fletcher (Cambridge Aero Instruments) Hans Trautenberg (S/W Developer)
Ed Davies (EW Avionics) Walter Dittel (Filser Electronic) John Good (Chairman SSA Competition Committee) Phil Jeffery (Chairman BGA Competition Committee) Tony Lauck (Computer Security Consultant) John Mason (EW Distribution, France) Dave Nadler (Borgelt Instruments) Mike Newman (Borgelt Instruments) Dave Robertson (S/W Developer) Graham Skelley (S/W Developer) Bernald Smith (Chairman IGC GPS Subcommittee) Peter Zander (Zander Vario)
The draft standard was presented to and accepted by the IGC at their September '94 meeting.
Issues relating to data security, turnpoint verification and Official Observer procedures were discussed at this meeting and will be addressed in the FAI Sporting Code. This standard facilitates all the alternatives discussed.
Updates to this standard are published periodically in:
The Internet rec.aviation.soaring newsgroup.
updated copies will be available by FTP from:
alternatively contact:
Bernald Smith Chairman IGC GPS Subcommittee 1019 Whitmer Ct Fremont, CA 94539 USA Tel: 510-656-0434 Fax: 510-657-1261
The standard working group may be contacted through:
Bob Fletcher Hans Trautenberg Hans.Trautenberg@physik.uni-regensburg.deAll suggested amendments should be directed to the working group. The IGC will review and approve amendments forwarded from the working group each year.
All the single instance records together form the file header. The remainder of the file will consist of regular fix records and irregular other records.
All the file records are limited to 76 characters in length.
Each record starts with a unique record identifier followed by the data and a CR LF at the end.
If any tasks are included (C Records) they should be next in chronological order.
B, D, E, F and K Records must be logged in chronological order. Other data records may follow in any order.
The L Records may be placed anywhere after the H, I and J Records and before the G Record.
The last record in the file is the G Record.
A typical file will be in the following format:
A - FVU identification number H - File header I - Fix extension J - Extension C - Task L - Log Book B - Fix B - Fix D - Differential GPS B - Fix B - Fix E - Event B - Fix B - Fix K - Extension data B - Fix B - Fix F - Constellation L - Log Book B - Fix G - Security
Time - UTC Distance - Meters Speed - Kilometers per hour Date - DDMMYY (day, month, year) UTC Direction - True degree Altitude - MetersThe representation for the above items in the flight log has to comply with the following rules:
Time - HHMMSSsss HH - fixed to 2 digits with leading 0 MM - fixed to 2 digits with leading 0 SS - fixed to 2 digits with leading 0 sss - number of second decimals is computed as the number of fields reserved for the representation of the time minus 6 Distance - ddddddd dddddd - number of digits computed from the number of fields reserved for representation, no decimals Speed - SSSsss SSS - fixed to 3 digits with leading 0 sss - number of speed decimals is computed as the number of fields reserved for the representation of the speed minus 3 Date - DDMMYY DD - number of the day in the month, fixed to 2 digits with leading 0 MM - number of the month in year, fixed to 2 digits with leading 0 YY - number of the year modulo 100, fixed to 2 digits with leading 0 Direction - DDDddd DDD - fixed to 3 digits with leading 0 ddd - number of direction decimals is computed as the number of fields reserved for the representation of the direction minus 3 Altitude - AAAAAaaa AAAAA - fixed to 5 digits with leading 0 aaa - number of altitude decimals is computed as the number of fields reserved for the representation of the altitude minus 5
Y M D C X X X F . G P S y m d c \ / f . DOS Extension e o a o ----- l a n y n s i r t s e g h t r h r i t u a c l # t o # r i dAll the fields are alphanumeric with 'A' representing 10, 'B' representing 11, etc. In the case of days, month and flight number the first entity is represented by 1 rather than 0.
The year is the number modulo 10. So it wraps around every 10 years.
The flight # is used to indicate the flight of the day starting with 1.
The serial # is the unique identification number of the unit generating the flight recording. There are 46656 unique identification numbers available to each manufacturer.
In the event that the flight spans multiple days the take-off date is definitive.
Example: 46AC00J2.GPS 10-June-1994 Cambridge Aero Serial # 20 Flight 2.Manufacturer codes:
A - B - Borgelt C - Cambridge D - E - EW F - Filser G - H - I - Ilec J - K - L - M - Metron N - O - P - Peschges Q - R - S - Sky Force T - PathTracker U - V - Varcom W - Westerboer X - Y - Z - Zander 0 - 1 - Collins 2 - Honeywell 3 - King 4 - Garmin 5 - Trimble 6 - Motorola 7 - Magellan 8 - Rockwell 9 -
The flight verification unit identification record specifies the unique number of the equipment which recorded the flight. This is most likely the manufacturer's serial number.
Format of the A Record:
A M N N N N N T E X T S T R I N G CR LF Description Size Element Remarks Manufacturer 1 bytes M Valid characters alphanumeric Unique ID 5 bytes NNNNN Valid characters alphanumeric ID extension ? bytes TEXT STRING Valid characters alphanumeric
The security code must be generated by the FVU, not the computer extracting the flight data. Flight analysis software from sources other than the manufacturer should ignore this record. All records except the H Records which have the O and P source, and the L Records must be included in the security mechanism.
The security code must be comprised of valid characters.
Format of G Record:
G S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S CR LF G S S S S S S S S S S CR LF Description Size Element Remarks Security code <=75 bytes SSSSS Valid characters alphanumericThe G Record may be extended to multiple lines if necessary.
The G Record should not use any non-printing character. Whitespace is often removed when ASCII files are transmitted across data communication networks.
The level of security required within this record for badges and records will be addressed by the Sporting Code.
3.3 H Record - File Header
Format of H Record:
H D D M M Y Y A A A CR LF H S M M M P I L O T : T E X T S T R I N G CR LF H S M M M G L I D E R T Y P E : T E X T S T R I N G CR LF H S M M M G L I D E R I D : T E X T S T R I N G CR LF H S M M M N N N G P S D A T U M : T E X T S T R I N G CR LF Description Size Element Remarks Source 1 byte S F - FVU, O - OO, P - Pilot Data ID 3 bytes III Valid characters 0-9 Date 6 bytes DDMMYY Valid characters 0-9 Accuracy in meters 3 bytes AAA Valid characters 0-9 Mnemonic 3 bytes MMM Valid characters 0-9The header records may be added by the FVU or subsequently by an OO or the pilot. Each record starts with a standard mnemonic to be used by verification software. The actual data of the record starts with a title followed by a colon, then the information.
The default for the accuracy in meters is 500
Only records that have the source F are covered by the security code. The Sporting code will define the use of P and O source records.
The above fields are mandatory in the above order. The following data may be appended:
H D D M M Y Y A A A CR LF H S M M M P I L O T : T E X T S T R I N G CR LF H S M M M G L I D E R T Y P E : T E X T S T R I N G CR LF H S M M M G L I D E R I D : T E X T S T R I N G CR LF H S M M M N N N G P S D A T U M : T E X T S T R I N G CR LF H S M M M C O M P E T I T I O N I D : T E X T S T R I N G CR LF H S M M M C O M P E T I T I O N C L A S S : T E X T S T R I N G CR LF H S M M M G P S : T E X T S T R I N G CR LFIt is recommended that the FVU manufacturers hardware and software revision level be included.
This record has to be located before the first B Record, immediately after the H record.
Format of I Record:
I N N S S F F M M M S S F F M M M CR LF Description Size Element Remarks # of extensions 2 bytes NN Valid characters 0-9 Start byte number 2 bytes SS Valid characters 0-9 Finish byte number 2 bytes FF Valid characters 0-9 Mnemonic 3 bytes MMM Valid characters alphanumericThe byte count starts from the beginning of the B Record starting at 1.
I 0 3 3 0 3 4 G A L 3 5 3 7 F X A 3 8 4 1 R P M CR LFThe above states that the fix record will be appended with the GPS Altitude, the Fix Accuracy and the Engine RPM.
I 0 1 3 0 3 3 R P M CR LFThe fix record will be appended with the Engine RPM.
I 0 3 3 0 3 4 G A L 3 5 3 7 F X A 3 8 4 2 T E N CR LFThe fix record will be appended with the GPS Altitude, the Fix Accuracy and the total energy altitude.
Format of J Record:
J N N S S F F M M M S S F F M M M CR LF Description Size Element Remarks # of extensions 2 bytes NN Valid characters 0-9 Start byte number 2 bytes SS Valid characters 0-9 Finish byte number 2 bytes FF Valid characters 0-9 Mnemonic 3 bytes MMM Valid characters alphanumericThe byte count starts from the beginning of the K Record starting at 1.
J 0 1 0 7 1 1 T E N CR LFThe above J Record defines a K Record which consists of the total energy altitude. The mnemonics are listed at the end of this document.
The format of the mandatory data is:
B H H M M S S D D M M M M M N D D D M M M M M E V P P P P P CR LF Description Size Element Remarks Time 6 bytes HHMMSS Valid characters 0-9 Latitude 8 bytes DDMMMMMN Valid characters N, S, 0-9 Longitude 9 bytes DDDMMMMME Valid characters E,W, 0-9 Fix valid 1 byte V A: valid, V:nav warning Press Alt. 5 bytes PPPPP Valid characters -, 0-9The "fix valid" byte should be taken from the NMEA GPRMC sentence. It is the "Nav receiver status flag" of that sentence. If the GPS receiver does not use the NMEA protocol, then an equivalent flag must be provided.
The format of the recommended data is:
B H H M M S S D D M M M M M N D D D M M M M M E V P P P P P G G G G G A A A CR LF Description Size Element Remarks GPS Alt. 5 bytes GGGGG Valid characters -, 0-9 Fix Accuracy 3 bytes AAA Valid characters 0-9This data may be extended by use of the I Record:
B H H M M S S D D M M M M M N D D D M M M M M E V P P P P P G G G G G A A A R R R R CR LF Description Size Element Remarks Engine RPM 4 bytes RRRR Valid characters 0-9The engine data may be appended without the recommended GPS Altitude and Fix Accuracy provided that the I Record specifies that format.
4.2 C Record - Task
The C Record is used to specify tasks. It may also be used to make task
Format of C Record:
C D D M M Y Y H H M M S S F D F M F Y I I I I T T T E X T S T R I N G CR LF C D D M M M M M N D D D M M M M M E T E X T S T R I N G CR LF C D D M M M M M N D D D M M M M M E T E X T S T R I N G CR LF C D D M M M M M N D D D M M M M M E T E X T S T R I N G CR LF C D D M M M M M N D D D M M M M M E T E X T S T R I N G CR LF C D D M M M M M N D D D M M M M M E T E X T S T R I N G CR LF C D D M M M M M N D D D M M M M M E T E X T S T R I N G CR LF Description Size Element Remarks Date 6 bytes DDMMYY Valid characters 0-9 Time 6 bytes HHMMSS Valid characters 0-9 Flight Date 6 bytes FDFMFY Valid characters 0-9 Task ID 4 bytes IIII Valid characters 0-9 # of Task TPs 2 bytes TT Valid characters 0-9 Take-off Lat Lon 17 bytes DDMMMMMNDDDMMMMME Start Lat Lon 17 bytes DDMMMMMNDDDMMMMME T/P Lat Lon 17 bytes DDMMMMMNDDDMMMMME T/P Lat Lon 17 bytes DDMMMMMNDDDMMMMME Finish Lat Lon 17 bytes DDMMMMMNDDDMMMMME Landing Lat Lon 17 bytes DDMMMMMNDDDMMMMMEThe text string associated with each record is optional but recommended. This is the place to refer to any local turnpoint numbers. The latitude and longitude will be definitive, in the case of confusion.
All the above latitudes and longitudes are mandatory.
The Task ID is the unique number assigned to that task on a day. The first task of the day would be task 0001 the second 0002 etc.
The number of turnpoints is the actual number of turnpoints in the task, e.g. 1 for an Out and Return and 2 for a triangle.
4.3 D Record - Differential GPS
This indicates that differential GPS is being used.
Format of D Record:
D Q S S S S CR LF Description Size Element Remarks GPS Qualifier 1 byte Q 1: GPS, 2:DGPS Station ID 4 bytes SSSSThese parameters correspond to the NMEA GGA GPS quality indication. The absence of a D Record indicates that differential GPS was not used.
Format of E Record:
E H H M M S S I I I T E X T S T R I N G CR LF E H H M M S S I I I T E X T S T R I N G CR LF B H H M M S S D D M M M M M N D D D M M M M M E V P P P P P CR LF Description Size Element Remarks Mnemonics 3 bytes III Valid characters alphanumericOfficial events need a B Record with the same time. It is possible to have several events at the same time.
F H H M M S S A A B B C C D D CR LF Description Size Element Remarks Time 6 bytes HHMMSS Valid characters 0-9 Satellite ID A 2 bytes AA Valid characters 0-ZThe satellite ID will be supplied for each satellite used in the fix calculation. This information corresponds to the NMEA GPGSA data.
This record is optional but will be very beneficial in proving the validity of the file. It should be recorded each time the satellite constellation in use changes.
4.6 K Record - Extension Data
The information in the K Record is specified by the J Record.
As an example, this J Record is used to specify the information in the following K Record:
J 0 7 1 1 T E N CR LF K H H M M S S 0 0 0 1 0 CR LFThis K Record states that the total energy altitude is 10 meters.
Format of L Record:
L M T E X T S T R I N G CR LF Description Size Element Remarks Manufacturer 1 byte M Valid characters alphanumeric / spaceThe L Records will not be covered by the security code for the file. This allows them to be added to the file after the flight has been completed.
L M T H I S F L I G H T W A S M Y S E C O N D 1 0 0 0 K M A T T E M P T CR LF L M F R O M E A G L E F I E L D CR LF
All data shall be interpreted as ASCII characters. The valid character set consists of all printable ASCII characters (Hex 20 to Hex 7E) except those defined as reserved.
The following are valid characters:
Hex space 20 Reserved " 22 # 23 Reserved % 25 & 26 ' 27 ( 28 ) 29 Reserved + 2B Reserved - 2D . 2E / 2F 0 30 1 31 2 32 3 33 4 34 5 35 6 36 7 37 8 38 9 39 : 3A ; 3B < 3C = 3D > 3E ? 3F @ 40 A 41 B 42 C 43 D 44 E 45 F 46 G 47 H 48 I 49 J 4A K 4B L 4C M 4D N 4E O 4F P 50 Q 51 R 52 S 53 T 54 U 55 V 56 W 57 X 58 Y 59 Z 5A [ 5B Reserved ] 5D Reserved _ 5F ` 60 a 61 b 62 c 63 d 64 e 65 f 66 g 67 h 68 i 69 j 6A k 6B l 6C m 6D n 6E o 6F p 70 q 71 r 72 s 73 t 74 u 75 v 76 w 77 x 78 y 79 z 7A { 7B | 7C } 7D Reserved.The following characters are reserved:
Hex CR 0D LF 0A $ 24 * 2A , 2C ! 21 \ 5C ^ 5E ~ 7E.
GAL GPS Altitude TEN Total Energy Altitude in meters HDM Heading Magnetic HDT Heading True ASI Airspeed Indicated AST Airspeed True GSP Ground speed TRM Track Magnetic TRT Track True SUP Supplemental data fix - External data input to help GPS fix (pressure alt) FXA Fix accuracy - Estimate of fix accuracy in meters FXT Fix type - GPS or DGPS RAI RAIM - GPS Parameter CPH Carrier phase - GPS Parameter EON Engine on EOF Engine off EUP Engine up EDN Engine down PHO Photo PEV Pilot event - Pilot initiated event TPC Turnpoint confirmation - Equipment generated event STA Start FIN Finish DTE Date PLT Pilot GTY Glider type GID Glider id CCL Competition class DTM Datum - GPS Datum in use TPL Turnpoint list TSK Task CNS Constellation - Satellites used in the fix SEC Security - Log security data DGP Differential GPS REX Record extension - Manufacturer defined data (Cloud base?) RPM Engine rpm CID Competition ID GPS GPS Engine Type & Revision GCN GPS Connect GDC GPS Disconnect OOI OO ID - OO equipment observation ONT On Task - attempting POST CCN Camera Connect CDC Camera Disconnect
ID Name 000 ADINDAN - Ethiopia, Mali, Senegal, Sudan 001 AFGOOYE - Somalia 002 AIN EL ABD 1970 - Bahrain Island, Saudi Arabia 003 ANNA 1 ASTRO 1965 - Cocos Island 004 ARC 1950 - Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Swaziland, Zaire, Zambia, Zimbabwe 005 ARC 1960 - Kenya, Tanzania 006 ASCENSION ISLAND 1958 - Ascension Island 007 ASTRO BEACON "E" - Iwo Jima Island 008 AUSTRALIAN GEODETIC 1966 - Australia, Tasmania Island 009 AUSTRALIAN GEODETIC 1984 - Australia, Tasmania Island 010 ASTRO DOS 71/4 - St. Helena Island 011 ASTRONOMIC STATION 1952 - Marcus Island 012 ASTRO B4 SOROL ATOLL - Tern Island 013 BELLEVUE (IGN) - Efate and Erromango Islands 014 BERMUDA 1957 - Bermuda Islands 015 BOGOTA OBSERVATORY - Colombia 016 CAMPO INCHAUSPE - Argentina 017 CANTON ASTRO 1966 - Phoenix Islands 018 CAPE CANAVERAL - Florida, Bahama Islands 019 CAPE - South Africa 020 CARTHAGE - Tunisia 021 CHATHAM 1971 - Chatham Island (New Zealand) 022 CHUA ASTRO - Paraguay 023 CORREGO ALEGRE - Brazil 024 DJAKARTA (BATAVIA) - Sumatra Island (Indonesia) 025 DOS 1968 - Gizo Island (New Georgia Islands) 026 EASTER ISLAND 1967 - Easter Island 027 EUROPEAN 1950 - Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland 028 EUROPEAN 1979 - Austria, Finland, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland 029 FINLAND HAYFORD 1910 - Finland 030 GANDAJIKA BASE - Republic of Maldives 031 GEODETIC DATUM 1949 - New Zealand 032 ORDNANCE SURVEY OF GREAT BRITAIN 1936 - England, Isle of Man, Scotland, Shetland Island,Wales 033 GUAM 1963 - Guam Island 034 GUX 1 ASTRO - Guadalcanal Island 035 HJOESEY 1955 - Iceland 036 HONG KONG 1963 - Hong Kong 037 INDIAN - Bangladesh, India, Nepal 038 INDIAN - Thailand, Vietnam 039 IRELAND 1965 - Ireland 040 ISTS 073 ASTRO 1969 - Diego Garcia 041 JOHNSON ISLAND 1961 - Johnson Island 042 KANDAWALA - Sri Lanka 043 KERGUELEN ISLAND - Kerguelen Island 044 KERTAU 1948 - West Malaysia, Singapore 045 L.C. 5 ASTRO - Cayman Brac Island 046 LIBERIA 1964 - Liberia 047 LUZON - Mindanao Island 048 LUZON - Philippines (excluding Mindanao Island) 049 MAHE 1971 - Mahe Island 050 MARCO ASTRO - Salvage Islands 051 MASSAWA - Eritrea(Ethiopia) 052 MERCHICH - Morocco 053 MIDWAY ASTRO 1961 - Midway Island 054 MINNA - Nigeria 055 North American 1927 - Alaska 056 North American 1927 - Bahamas (excluding San Salvador Island) 057 North American 1927 - Central America (Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua) 058 North American 1927 - Canal Zone 059 North American 1927 - Canada (including Newfoundland Island) 060 North American 1927 - Caribbean (Barbados, Caicos Islands, Cuba, Dominican Republic,Grand Cayman, Jamaica, Leeward Islands, Turks Islands) 061 North American 1927 - Mean Value (CONUS) 062 North American 1927 - Cuba 063 North American 1927 - Greenland (Haynes Peninsula) 064 North American 1927 - Mexico 065 North American 1927 - San Salvador Island 066 North American 1983 - Alaska, Canada, Central America, CONUS, Mexico 067 NAPARIMA, BWI -Trinidad and Tobago 068 NAHRWAN - Masirah Island (Oman) 069 NAHRWAN - Saudi Arabia 070 NAHRWAN - United Arab Emirates 071 OBSERVATORIO 1966 - Corvo and Flores Islands (Azores) 072 OLD EGYPTIAN - Egypt 073 OLD HAWAIIAN - Mean Value 074 OMAN - Oman 075 PICO DE LAS NIEVES - Canary Islands 076 PITCAIRN ASTRO 1967 - Pitcairn Island 077 PUERTO RICO - Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands 078 QATAR NATIONAL - Qatar 079 QORNOQ - South Greenland 080 REUNION - Mascarene Island 081 ROME 1940 - Sardinia Island 082 RT 90 - Sweden 083 PROVISIONAL SOUTH AMERICAN 1956 - Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Venezuela 084 PROVISIONAL SOUTH AMERICAN 1956 - Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Venezuela, Trinidad, Tobago 085 SOUTH ASIA - Singapore 086 PROVISIONAL SOUTH CHILEAN 1963 - South Chile 087 SANTO (DOS) - Espirito Santo Island 088 SAO BRAZ - Sao Miguel, Santa Maria Islands (Azores) 089 SAPPER HILL 1943 - East Falkland Island 090 SCHWARZECK - Namibia 091 SOUTHEAST BASE - Porto Santo and Madeira Islands 092 SOUTHWEST BASE - Faial, Graciosa, Pico, Sao Jorge, Terceira Islands 093 TIMBALI 1948 - Brunei and East Malaysia (Sarawak and Sabah) 094 TOKYO - Japan, Korea, Okinawa 095 TRISTAN ASTRO 1968 - Tristan da Cunha 096 Reserved For Future Use 097 VITI LEVU 1916 - Viti Levu Island (Fiji Islands) 098 WAKE-ENIWETOK 1960 - Marshall Islands 099 WORLD GEODETIC SYSTEM 1972 100 WORLD GEODETIC SYSTEM 1984 101 ZANDERIJ - Surinam 102 CH-1903 - Switzerland
(CRLF - line terminator not actual data) AC00069CRLF H031194030CRLF HFPILPILOT: BOB FLETCHERCRLF HFGTYGLIDER TYPE: SCHLEICHER ASW-24CRLF HFGIDGLIDER ID: N-84RFCRLF HFDAT100GPS DATUM: WGS-84CRLF HFCIDCOMPETITION ID: 90CRLF HFCLSCOMPETITION CLASS: STANDARDCRLF HFGPSGPS: CAMBRIDGE GPS-NAV #0069CRLF I033034GAL3537FXA3841RPMCRLF J010711TENCRLF C220694151245220694000102CRLF C4407100N07249490WTP 101 SUGARBUSH STARTCRLF C4407100N07249490WTP 101 SUGARBUSH STARTCRLF C4456330N07230380WTP 15 JAY PEAKCRLF C4310580N07303470WTP 16 MANCHESTER CENTERCRLF C4407100N07249490WTP 101 SUGARBUSH STARTCRLF C4407100N07249490WTP 101 SUGARBUSH STARTCRLF B1602334407110N0724933WA00480004600200000CRLF B1602374407121N0724934WA00480004610200000CRLF D20331CRLF E160241STRSTARTCRLF E160241TPHTP PHOTOCRLF B1602414407126N0724930WA00488004600200000CRLF B1603044407134N0724928WA00490004760200000CRLF B1603334407140N0724922WA00490004800200000CRLF F1603370609123624221821CRLF B1603374407150N0724920WA00491004810200000CRLF B1602414407180N0724918WA00491004830200000CRLF B1602454407212N0724917WA00493004860200000CRLF K16024800180CRLF B1602484407220N0724915WA00494004900200000CRLF B1602524407330N0724912WA00496004910200000CRLF LCUS STANDARD NATIONALS DAY 1CRLF LCFLIGHT TIME: 4:14, TASK SPEED:58KTSCRLF GREJNGJERJKNJKRE318954785373N4IH43982FJN9248F942389T4335093T509354T543K4FCRLF GJNJK2489IERGNV3089IVJER5839GO398535J3894N358954983O0934CRLF